Liveblogging Eurovision #3 (Poland)
pls to stop wailing. kthxbye.
pls to stop wailing. kthxbye.
A bit reminiscent of the French entry that got nul points about a decade ago. Must be the accordion. “I was the first Internet ever / Sailing on ships with my music”. Special.
Bosnia and Herzegovina have my vote so far. Proof that there’s a twenty-year delay in popular music between the UK and the Balkans (no bad thing). Israel – boring, fast forwarded over it (having rewound to show B+H’s entry) Finland – METAL!!! “Where all the men ride forth / there the sheep cannot graze”. Timeless.
Today we are mostly being very, very tired.
Generally busy weekend – Eurovision party on Saturday night, which involved a great deal of tidying. Gark Villa survived the attack of experimental subjects L and T rather better than last time, mostly thanks to the oilcloth on the table. The
On the topic of the