Nick Gibbins


Following ‘s post about a website with instructions for origami CD cases, and ‘s reply about a website which automatically generates PDF files that you can print and fold, I decided to dust off my Postscript skills and write a web toy that would generate paper patterns for the cases that found. Be gentle with it – I suspect that there are all manner of lurking nasties that I’ve not yet found.

Interview update

Interview went well. Waiting to hear the results. They’ve said that I’ll know in about half an hour’s time. The two-post thing may be a red herring; they seem to be looking to appoint both of us.

Seminar redux

The seminar went tolerably well. Better than the Edinburgh seminar, though not as well as the Manchester one. Some further intrigue about all this. I am one of two shortlisted candidates (the other is a genetic algorithms chap from Harvard), which is a bit on the short side for a lectureship. The reason for this is that these interviews apparently aren’t for the advertised lectureship (the OMII post), but as some sort of ‘special post’ (Eternal Leader’s words). I can’t work out if this has improved my chances, or if I’m being used as a stalking horse to enable the… Read More »Seminar redux

The Wired World

It’s not every day that the BBC News features a story on a project that one of my friends works on (Al, of Temple ov thee Lemur fame), still less often when it’s this cool a project. I mean, wireless networking and glaciers – how cool is that?

Research seminar today, interview tomorrow. Gah. *wobble*

No way to run a university, part III

They’ve now rescheduled the seminars next Monday because one of the candidate’s flights lands too late. I’m now on at 1600 rather than 1330. Couldn’t have seen that one coming, what with the amount of notice we were given, oh no…

No way to run a university, part II

Just had a brief chat with Glorious Leader’s secretary, since GL was out of the office and apparently couldn’t speak to me himself. Both Glorious Leader and Eternal Leader (my PhD supervisor) are on the interview panel. They both have notoriously full schedules; I’ve not seen Glorious Leader for more than a couple of minutes in total since the last week of May, and I regularly used to go for three or four months between meetings with Eternal Leader when she was my supervisor. The upshot of this is that there is no other option but for me to cancel… Read More »No way to run a university, part II