Nick Gibbins

Who loves you and who do you love?

Meme time again. The best friend meme is vaguely interesting (for someone I see once every blue moon, and I have a lot of common interests), while the unlisted interests meme is pretty useless, suggesting either overly broad categories (reading, music, books, art, movies) or things which I have absolutely no interest in (david bowie, radiohead, etc). I mean – Radiohead! Ugh.


While I was away in Edinburgh last week, my landlord repainted the bathroom and decided to throw away my toothbrush and toothpaste. I have no idea why.

Small World behaviour

Feeling a bit delicate this morning. Escaped the workshop crowd again last night (ha ha!) and met up with for an excellent curry at Khushi’s, and thence to the Brass Monkey for many fine pints of 80/-. I’ve missed Scots beer, although I’m regretting the fourth pint (and possibly also the third) this morning. and joined us in the pub around nine. To my eternal shame, I completely failed to recognise . In my defence, this was a radically different context to that in which I’d met her before, there being no film societies within spitting distance, and I’d never… Read More »Small World behaviour

Day 2 in the Big Brother house^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H all-hands AKT workshop

…but that’s enough of work. Edinburgh is gorgeous as ever, if a little drizzly this morning. Finished reading All the President’s Men last night after returning from a quiet dinner with Neil (WINOLJ). ATPM is one of my favourite films, and I’m a bit abashed that it has taken me this long to get around to reading the Woodstein book on which the film was based. Three brief comments on the book and film: The casting for the film is better than I’d previously appreciated; the actors playing Sloan and Segretti are pretty much dead ringers for Sloan and Segretti… Read More »Day 2 in the Big Brother house^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H all-hands AKT workshop


From the OED: frottage [a. F. frottage rubbing, friction, f. frotter to rub (see FROT v.).] … 2. Art. The technique or process of taking a rubbing from an uneven surface, e.g. grained wood or sacking, as a point of departure for a work of art.

Clique meme

There’s a rather nice meme and lj toy that’s currently doing the rounds, that examines your friends list to find the largest cliques (groups of mutual friends). I considered writing something similar myself a few months ago, but had to put it to one side due to a lack of free time. A really interesting adjunct to this service would be a service that identifies the articulation points that link different cliques. A really really interesting service would correlate the results with the interest lists of the members of a clique in order to try and work out the common… Read More »Clique meme

Wireless and wired

Just ordered one of these, which will hopefully work better with the iPod than the nasty tape-cassette-on-a-wire that we’re using in the car at the moment. Also means that we’ll be able to broadcast Radio Free Gark throughout Gark Towers when it comes to our party at the end of next month (fill out the poll to let us know if you can make it or not). I feel an inexplicable need to talk like a pirate now. Ah-harrrr (etc). Forgot to mention in earlier post – the excellent patisserie in Oxford was Maison Blanc at the south end of… Read More »Wireless and wired

And so it starts…

Got cornered by one of my colleagues this morning on the way to coffee, since he’s busy allocating next year’s teaching load. This place treats new lecturers extremely kindly, and only makes us do 33% of the normal teaching load in our first year. Once you’ve figured in the load for tutees, project students and the PCAP course, you’re down to around a third of a compulsory first or second year module. To cut a long story short, I’m going to be teaching half of Database Systems to the second years in the autumn, which is ded gud, or at… Read More »And so it starts…

Edinburgh pintage

I’m going to be in Edinburgh for almost all of next week (Monday evening to Firday lunchtime) – do any Edinburghers feel like meeting up for a drink one evening? (thinking of and in particular)