Nick Gibbins

Book Quiz

I may do the film quotes quiz meme that’s doing the rounds, but I was rather taken with the book quote quiz that treated us to yesterday. Given that I won through a mixture of geekery and guesswork, it’s probably beholden on me to post another.

The Rules

(shamelessly cribbed from )

The point isn’t to show off by guessing the titles of ones you’ve read, but by showing powers of reasoning to get setting and time and “interesting thing”. Googling is expressly forbidden, obviously.

All comments are screened and I’ll give out marks on Monday.


One point if you can get within twenty five years of when it was written. (Half point for within fifty years).

One point if you can get the genre/setting (so I’m looking for something like “nineteenth century adventure” “near future sci-fi” “contemporary new york” “cod medieval fantasy”).

One point for author and/or title or series of books.

If you don’t know the actual book/author I will give you a completely unfair discretionary point if you can guess something quite interesting about the book or author just from the text provided (not something obvious like “they start sentences with conjunctions” or “they’re inexplicably fond of the Oxford comma”. So you can still get full points if you don’t know any of the actual books.

Really though, what I’m interested in is why you think what you think about the passages and how you tie them to a place and time. I think for some of them at least, the title should be guessable though. Comments are screened.

The Quotes

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Random thoughts

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