An account of a conversation while waiting at bus stop with
- My1 like coiley-wotey.
- What’s coiley-wotey?
- Coiley-wotey!
- Colley Wotty?
- Coiley-wotey!
- What sort of a thing is coiley-wotey!
- *pause* Coiley-wotey!
- He’s making this word up.
- Are you making this word up? Is this another silly word?
- No, coiley-wotey!
- How big is coiley-wotey?
- *looks confused*
- Is coiley-wotey big or small?
- Coiley-wotey!
- He’s just saying that! Stop saying that!
- *has flash of inspiration* What colour is coiley-wotey?
- Grey.
- *thinks* What sort of animal is coiley-wotey?
- He a woof, chase roadroader. Roadroader goes beep-beep!
- Aha! He’s a wolf! You’re talking about Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner, aren’t you?
- Yes, my like coiley-wotey.
- That’s Wile. E. Coyote. Can you say it after me? Wile E.
- Coiley-wotey.
- *sighs*
1. This is a persistent verbal tic that he’s had for the last six months. My, how we’ve tried to cure him of it.