Felt too full of the cold last night to go to
Therefore, I’ve spent the day crawling through dirty spaces between the eaves and the edges of the loft room, where the loft people had helpfully dumped all the old boards. I’ve fitted the new aerial in the loft by the water tanks (outside the loft room), run the cable through and connected it all up. I also fitted in a trip to Maplin for an aerial amplifier (unneeded, as it turns out – the signal from Rowforth is quite strong enough), some low attenuation cable to fit between the aerial and the amplifier, and a smart SCART switch so that I can leave the PS2 plugged in without needing to keep swapping SCART plugs on the back of the TV.
What I haven’t yet done is neatly finish off the bottom of the aerial cable in a wall-mounted socket, but that can wait for another day – I’m happy with what I’ve done.