…but there was a day when I thought that I’d relish it. Over the last few months, I’ve ended up travelling to the US, South Korea, France and the Netherlands (all within the same four weeks). This would have been One Big Adventure had it not all happened in such a short period.
This pattern seems set to continue this year, with Glorious Leader sending me to meetings that he’s too busy to attend himself, normally because he’s at other meetings. Some of these meetings are cool, like the one on board an aircraft carrier, not least because I could get there by train in less than two hours.
This is not the case for the latest meeting. Glorious Leader now wishes me to attend a meeting on Semantic Web technologies (fine so far) with some defence people (moderately fine) next Tuesday (inadequate notice) in Great Malvern. And there’s the rub. I don’t drive (can’t drive), and Great Malvern is a four hour train journey from Southampton, with between two and four changes. In order to get to the beginning of the meeting, I must catch a train at 06.00, which means getting a taxi to the station at 05.30. The return journey is much the same, so I won’t be getting back home until 22.30 or thereabouts.
My only hope is to get a taxi from Southampton to Great Malvern.
boo to werk! boo to tranes! boo to metings! boo to bosses!