Bath lectureship redux

To cut a long story short, I didn’t get the lectureship at Bath.

The interview last Wednesday went well (the presentation could have been better, given that Powerpoint glitched three times in twenty minutes), but I lost out to the competition. As the rejection letter said: “this post has now been offered
to another candidate, who was considered by the panel to have a stronger
academic profile, and, in particular, one which was a better ‘fit’ to the
strategic research strengths of this department”

In retrospect, this wasn’t entirely surprising, given that my specialism (applied AI, agents, the Semantic Web) isn’t a major focus of the department, and that none of the interview panel had a background in this area (which rather begs the question of why it was given as a potential subject area in the job advert). To some extent, I think that I’ve fallen victim to the intra-department politics at Bath.

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