Great Briton?
So, Churchill won. I suppose I should be grateful that the bulemic Sloane wasn’t voted greatest Briton. (guess who voted for Brunel, the engineer’s choice)
So, Churchill won. I suppose I should be grateful that the bulemic Sloane wasn’t voted greatest Briton. (guess who voted for Brunel, the engineer’s choice)
Prompted by a comment by , I’ve finally got round to sending off to the Peace Pledge Union for a pack of white poppies. I’ve had strong critical views about the way in which the British Legion conducts Remembrance Day for some years now (in short, their interpretation seems to be more about jingoism than remembrance, and pays no mind to the non-combatant deaths in war). To top this, there was a brief article on the Today programme this morning about the sponsorship of the British Legion’s Poppy Appeal by that well-known company of peaceable aims, British Aerospace, which shows… Read More »Putting your money where your morals are
Blame and his tempting IKEA Java applets.
Or, the horribly deformed offspring of dangerously inbred memes. These people must be stopped by any means necessary.
These would be much funnier if they weren’t true: Bushisms (in other news, off to my first anti-war demo this evening)
Property tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten has been sentenced to ten years in prison for manslaughter. In other news, Jeffrey Archer remains in prison.
Part two of the Miles Kington court report from the Independent My personal favourite: Judge: Tell me, Mr Chrysler, do these businessmen of yours also have Gideon Bibles by their bedside at home? Chrysler: Many of them, sir. Judge: And where do you get the Gideon Bibles from? Chrysler: Alas, they, too, have to be taken from hotels. Judge: Then why are you not also up on a charge of Bible-stealing? Chrysler: Because the Bibles do not belong to the hotels. They belong to the Gideon Society. And the Gideon Society has decided not to prosecute me, but to forgive… Read More »40,000 coat hangers continued…