Happy (belated) Birthday, !
(meant to post this yesterday, but got sidetracked by in-laws)
(meant to post this yesterday, but got sidetracked by in-laws)
Just finished reading Joe Sacco’s Safe Area Gorazde. I found it almost as powerful as Art Spiegelman’s Maus, and arguably a more accomplished piece of journalism. I’m going to have to get Palestine as well now.
‘s film poll this week, by its inclusion of The Night of the Hunter (and Robert Mitchum’s tattooed knuckles therein), put me in mind of an encounter I had on a train almost a decade ago.
Given that I’ve got to be on a plane from Bristol at 0700 tomorrow, and I have decided that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to drive up to London and back the evening before. I think that we’ll need all the sleep we can get. I am keeping the May first Thursday free, and I will be at that (promise)…
I’m going to be in Edinburgh next Friday (as part of the job interview at the university), and my flight doesn’t leave until after 9pm. Does anyone want to meet up for a swift early evening drink, with the emphasis on the early? (thinking in particular of or ) And yes, this does mean that I’m going to be missing the next Tun. Again.
I’m not entirely sure of its exact identity, but we’ve just had either a) an escaped ferret or b) a polecat in the garden.
So, does Chris Ecclestone meet your requirements for a new Doctor Who?
pointed out that I’d missed a name out of my previous posting, which I present here for the sake of completeness. If you know me as Nicola, then you’re the registrar that married and I.
If you know me as: Nick, then you’re in the great majority. Nicholas, then you’ve probably seen me present at a conference or read one of my papers, and haven’t realised that while I publish as ‘Nicholas’, I prefer to be called plain ‘Nick’. Nicky, then you’re an uncle or aunt who hasn’t yet realised that I’m no longer six years old. nmg, then you either read my LiveJournal, talk with me on IRC, or work in the same research group as me. Dr Nick, then you either (incorrectly) think that I may not have heard that line before, or… Read More »Names meme
My tutorial proposal for Hypertext 2004 has been accepted, so it looks like I’m off to Santa Cruz in August. Hopefully the payment for the tutorial will cover my air fare and accommodation costs…