Nick Gibbins

Things I like, things I hate

Things I like: Lacie 1Tb disk packs Espresso machines in the coffee room Cooler weather Things I hate: The time taken to format 1Tb disks Needing training to use the espresso machines for health and safety reasons Not being on holiday

The final poll: Nick and Issy’s Summer BBQ and Cocktail Party

Thanks to all those who filled out the previous poll to say whether or not they’d be coming to our party this weekend (details are in the same place as before). I’ve put up a final poll without the pesky “Not sure” answers so that we’ll have a better idea of who we can expect:

Just had a phone call from my long-suffering officemate Steve to say that his mum’s in a bad way and unlikely to survive the day.

Back from Belgium, and also from a punting weekend in Oxford, with no major casualties, diplomatic incidents or impromptu dips in the Cherwell on my part. May well write something longer next week when I should be WORKING, but suffice it to say that Belgium was v. good, with lots of lovely people and beer, and that the weather alternated between hot and humid and thundery. Yecch. Feeding of the assembled mass of second-week Belgians was accomplished primarily by the beautiful and talented , while I lurched around in the background like an onion-chopping Igor (“How thmall should Igor chop… Read More »

One for the comics fans (and )

The Fixer, a character piece by Joe Sacco (of Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, etc) about his Bosnian fixer and his journey back to Bosnia in 2001, is released in UK paperback early next month. You may be able to pick up a hardcover import before that date; I got lucky last week. Strongly recommended. (I also managed to pick up Dan Clowes’ Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron at the same time. Very, very strange stuff.)