Fan Fiction Access and Useability Questionaire

Interesting research from a postgrad here at Southampton, with an attached survey. Satisfy your ticky-box fetishes here!

My name is Faith Lawrence and I am currently doing a doctoral research
project in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Southampton. My supervisor is dr monica schraefel.

I am looking for people willing to participate on an online survey
designed to investigate how people find and access fan and amateur
fiction on the Internet.

I know that online communities are frequently the target of social
science studies so I would like to make clear that this survey is part
of a human-computer interaction project and the answers are intended to
inform the design of applications to aid and support these communities
as well as further research into usability and trustworthiness of the Web.

The questionnaire is aimed at Internet users of all ages, whether they
are part of the fan or amateur writing community or not. Please feel
free to forward this email or the URL below to anyone you know who might
be interested.

All responses to the questions are confidential and anonymous and no
personal data is requested. All data will be stored in accordance with
the UK Data Protection Act.

The questionnaire will take roughly fifteen to twenty minutes to
complete (give or take a few minutes depending which sections are
applicable to your situation).

Please check it out. The URL is:

If you have any questions about this project then please contact me
( or contact the FanFiction Ontology Creation
, a group made up of
members of the fan fiction community who have expressed interest in the
related work.

Thank you for your time

Faith Lawrence

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