Interview and seminar in Edinburgh seemed to go well last Thursday/Friday, but judging from the ominous silence from my phone, I think that it’s safe to assume that someone else was offered the job. Time to start digging a tunnel, now that the guards have found the glider, perhaps?
Saturday was spent at and ‘s wedding in Bath (St Mary’s in Lansdown, followed by the Assembly Rooms), which was an all-round good affair. Spent a while bemoaning the state of academia with and Smitty (WISNOLJ, despite smitty_get_a_lj), which was most enjoyable. The only downside to the evening was that was looking absolutely stunning (vintage 1950s dark blue lace dress and little black cocktail hat) and I consequently failed to get any photos of her in her finery. That said, the next time this outfit gets an airing, we’ll hopefully have fixed the gorgeous vintage black feathered cocktail hat (which started moulting as we stepped out of the house) so that it could be worn instead of the slightly-less-impressive-but-still-pretty-good that she wore this time.
Finally got my new toy (well, work’s new toy) this morning – a shiny new Thinkpad T41p. Dead fast, and less than half the weight of my old Dell Inspiron 8000. I’ve spent most of this afternoon picking them up in turn so that I could feel the difference in weight…