Nick Gibbins

Of shoes – and ships – and sealing wax

I’m a creature of habit when it comes to the way I dress. I went through most of my undergraduate years wearing pale blue denim, rollneck sweaters and waistcoats, and for the past ten or eleven years, I’ve mostly worn black Levi 501s, black t-shirts, boots, and woolen sweaters. Part of the reason is that I just can’t bear to waste time trying to work out what to wear each morning; if the choice from my day-to-day wardrobe consists of three identical pairs of jeans, dressing is a task requiring no effort or thought. (and yes, I’m aware that this… Read More »Of shoes – and ships – and sealing wax

Top Five Spaceplanes

Spaceplanes are another fascination of mine, possibly stemming from the first STS launch in 1981. I’ve certainly to thank my parents for a surprise trip to Stansted Airport (possibly the only time you’ll hear those words together) when Enterprise was on its promotional world tour in 1983. What makes spaceplanes quite so interesting is the number of cancelled concepts that never got off the drawing board, let alone the ground. 5. Buran

Top Five Cold War Aircraft

Now I’ve officially hit my mid-30s, I feel that I should have some sort of crisis or obsession of the High Fidelity variety. Therefore, I shall be listing my various top fives daily, at least until I get bored or forget. Without further ado: 5. BAC TSR-2

Room without a View

I’ve been in my current building for a year or so, having moved a few months after the big fire that burned down half my department. Both my office in this building (B32), and my office in the last building (B59), have had good views. The university is in Highfield, one of the highest points in Southampton, and my office is on the fourth floor of a building almost at the top of the hill. From my desk, I can see east at least as far as the downs on the far side of Meon Valley, perhaps as far as… Read More »Room without a View

Have just been mailed url for completed thesis+revisions by PhD candidate I examined in the Spring, and have therefore done an impromptu dance of triumph in my office. Go !

Note to self

Polish maślanka doesn’t seem to be that much like Dutch karnemelk, even though both translate into English as buttermilk. It’s much cheesier, for a start.


I’m in the Holborn area for a meeting tomorrow, so I’m going to be at the Tun in the evening…